编:06:David Garibaldi The Funky Beat架子鼓教学书籍含伴奏及

当前位置:首页 > 架子鼓教学 > 初级架子鼓教程>编:06:David Garibaldi The Funky Beat架子鼓教学书籍含伴奏及正文
来自:椰壳鼓手网 | 时间:2017-01-04 20:47:29 | 人气值:472

David Garibaldi - The Funky Beat-(Drum Book + CD)-伴奏+示范曲CD
David Garibaldi The Funky Beat架子鼓教学书籍图片

David Garibaldi - cdl - 01 - 4-no matter.mp3

David Garibaldi - cdl - 02 - 4-No Matter (minus).mp3

David Garibaldi - cdl - 03 - soca rumba.mp3

David Garibaldi - cdl - 04 - So" rumba (minus).mp3

David Garibaldi - cdl - 05 - Black Nine.mp3

David Garibaldi - cdl - 06 - Black Nine (minus).mp3

David Garibaldi - cdl - 07 - Escape from Oaldand.mp3

David Garibaldi - cdl - 08 - Escape from oakland (minus).mp3

David Garibaldi - cd2 - 01 - lakeside shuffle.mp3

David Garibaldi - cd2 - 02 - lakeside shuffle (minus).mp3

David Garibaldi - cd2 - 03 - The box (2 version).mp3

David Garibaldi - cd2 - 03 - the box.mp3

David Garibaldi - cd2 - 04 - the box (minus).mp3

David Garibaldi - cd2 - 05 - color complex.mp3

David Garibaldi - cd2 - 06 - color complex (minus).mp3

David Garibaldi - cd2 - 07 - cobra.mp3

David Garibaldi - cd2 - 08 - cobra (minus).mp3

